Episode 14: HTSA’s Jon Robbins Refuses to Workout in His Garage

In this episode, Residential Tech Talks Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki is joined by Jon Robbins, the executive director of The Home Technology Specialists of America (HTSA), a consumer electronics buying group that in recent years has become one of the most progressive leadership organizations in the residential tech integration business. Although he’s too modest to take credit, it was Jon’s leadership and vision that pushed the group into new technology categories like lighting design and “wellness tech” that the rest of the industry embraced later.

Watch HERE!

Visit: www.htsa.com to learn more.

Email Jon Robbins at jon@htsa.net

Today’s episode of Residential Tech Talks is brought to you by ELK Products

Visit www.elkproducts.com to learn more! 

Episode 13: Azione’s Richard Glikes Slow Dances with His Wife

In this episode, Residential Tech Today Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki is joined by Richard Glikes, the president of Azione Unlimited, a consumer electronics buying group that was founded in 2011, and has become a force in the residential tech integration business, thanks, in part, to Richard’s passion as an industry leader, as well as the quality of residential tech integrators and manufacturers that he recruits to be a part of his group. Find out how Azione dealer and vendor members are staying in touch through virtual fireside chats and what song inspired Richard to slow dance with his wife in the middle of his family room.

Watch HERE!

Visit: www.azioneunlimited.com to learn more.

Email Richard Glikes at richard@azionegroup.com

Email Patrick McCarthy at patrick@azionegroup.com

Today’s episode of Residential Tech Talks is brought to you by Modulus Media Systems!


Episode 12: CEDIA’s Giles Sutton: ‘What a Difference a Month Makes’

In this episode, Residential Tech Today Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki is joined by CEDIA’s senior vice president of industry engagement, Giles Sutton, whose role in the industry is basically meant to be the exact opposite of social distancing. When times are normal, it’s quite common to see Facebook updates from Giles showing very long lines on a map from origin to destination and back. Find out how Giles is keeping in touch with residential technology integrators and vendors, and what how CEDIA helping its membership through the COVID-19 shutdown.

Visit: www.cedia.org to learn more.

Email Giles Sutton at gsutton@cedia.org

Email member@cedia.org

Today’s episode of Residential Tech Talks is brought to you by DISH!

Visit https://www.dish.com

Episode 11: Livewire’s Henry Clifford Meets Clients Where They Want to be Met

In this episode, Residential Tech Today Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki talks with Henry Clifford, CEO of Livewire, a custom integration firm based in Richmond, VA. When he’s not writing tech articles and product reviews for Residential Tech Today, Henry is guiding his quarantined employees and essential in-the-field techs through the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic hurdles by meeting clients where they want to be met and appreciating their business.

Watch this episode: https://youtu.be/rvJDya6D0CY

To read Henry Clifford’s article on his company’s approach to the no-touch sale during and after the Coronavirus Quarantine, visit


Visit https://www.getlivewire.com/ to learn more. 

This episode is brought to you by Atlona AV Solutions – Commercial & Residential

Visit www.atlona.com

Episode 10: Chris Smith Leads NYC-based Cloud9 Smart from a Safe Distance

In this episode, Residential Tech Today Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki talks with Chris Smith, the CEO of Cloud9 Smart, a custom integration firm based in New York City. Smith is one of the smartest and most thoughtful integration professionals in the country, so you might not be surprised to learn that as soon as he realized that the health of his employees was at risk from COVID-19, he closed down operations, even for so-called “essential workers” and relocated himself to Colorado, where he and his girlfriend had a place to stay away from one of the worst Coronavirus hotspots in the country. In this conversation, Smith shares how he has already “right-sized” his business for an eventual return to work, what he’s learning from his fellow CEOs during the pandemic, and how a “new normal” will affect his employees when they return to work early this summer. 

Visit cloud9smart.com to learn more. 

This episode is brought to you by SONY!

Visit SONY.com

Episode 9: Thoughtful Integrations’ Joe Whitaker has a Post-Quarantine Plan

Even while we’re all hunkered down with quarantine orders across North America, Joe Whitaker seems to be anywhere and everywhere (at least virtually). In this episode, Residential Tech Today Executive Editor Jeremy Glowacki talks with the President of Thoughtful Integrations in the St. Louis and Dallas markets about his weekly Facebook Live video broadcasts, where he addresses both the concerns of custom integration business owners as well as the concerns of his smart home client base, looking for advice on keeping their home networks and entertainment systems humming, while hunkered down during this unprecedented time. Joe offers insights into his own best practices as he continues to work in the field during the COVID-19 quarantine, as well as an intriguing e-commerce concept that he’s developing to provide guided-install technologies for his clients.

Visit https://thoughtfulintegrations.com/ to learn more.

Email Joe Whitaker at joe@thoughtfulintegrations.com

Today’s episode of Residential Tech Talks is brought to you by URC

Visit https://www.universalremote.com

Episode 8 – ELK Products Brings Security, Comfort, and Convenience

Feeling a sense of security and safety in both your home and business is more essential now than ever before. That’s why connected homes and businesses need smart control solutions focused on security. In this episode of Residential Tech Talks, Editor-in-Chief Charles Warner speaks with ELK Products Technical Support & Training Manager Brad Weeks to discuss Elk Products and their innovative security and automation solutions.

Visit https://www.elkproducts.com to learn more!

Today’s episode of Residential Tech Talks is brought to you by SONOS

Visit www.sonos.com 

Episode 7 – JOSH.AI Takes Voice Control To Another Level

While in lockdown, your home is more important than ever to you and your family. In this episode, Residential Tech Today Editor-in-Chief Charles Warner talks with Co-Founder and CEO of JOSH.AI Alex Capecelatro. Alex explains why JOSH. AI is at the forefront of voice control, bringing personality, comfort, and privacy to you through their AI technology, as unique as the homes it runs. Learn what your home capable of during #lockdown.

Visit www. josh.ai to learn more!

Todays Episode of Residential Talks is brought to you by Z-Wave Alliance 


Episode 6 – Modernizing Mansions with HGTV’s Tamara Day


Tamara Day has an eye for renovation and a passion for creating the perfect home. This shines through on her HGTV program Bargain Mansions, where Day works to fully reinvent homes from top to bottom, often in collaboration with her father. On this episode of Residential Tech Talks, Associate Editor Anthony Elio asks Day about the origins of her love of home renovation as well as how she personally views smart home tech.

Read the full interview here: https://restechtoday.com/julyaugust19-issue/

Check out Bargain Mansions on HGTV:

Watch: https://youtu.be/jsWVJFKb-DI

Episode 5 – Joe Perry Rocks the House


Hall of Fame rocker Joe Perry of Aerosmith is used to being in the spotlight, with his cover feature in Residential Tech Today providing a brand new chance to shine. In this episode of Residential Tech Talks, Perry discusses home technology and his recent creative projects.

Read the full interview here:
